Parry/Zug Hub
The "Parry Series" chess problem genre was discovered by your host in April 2009, and the chess problem aim known as "CapZug" in July 2010. This page will serve as a repository for all Parry Series and CapZug developments.
parry series-mover differs from a standard
series-mover prior to the last move as follows:
the series-side may give check during the series
when checked, the idle-side must immediately parry the threat
a parry-move may be helpful or defensive, depending on the problem-type
after a check-and-parry, the series-side continues the series
Follow the links below to see Parry Series examples, articles, and related webpages.
Parry On!
Dan Meinking
Cincinnati (USA)
here to view all
Parry Series problems on PDB.
here to view all
Legal Parry Series problems on PDB.
here to view all
Zugzwang Goal problems on PDB.
here to download the
Parry-Series and Zug-Family Collection PDF.  (updated: 05-Jan-2012)
Top awards from the Good Companions Quick-Composing Tourney 2010 (GCQCT)

here to view the solutions.
April 2009: Your host stumbled upon a new series concept which was first named "CheckReflex". Soon thereafter, it became apparent that we were dealing with an entirely new genre -- a hybrid of series and non-series. The name Parry Series seemed natural, and is unique in Problemdom.
July 2009: With the help of several composers, Parry Series was ready to be introduced within a few weeks! The article,
Parry Series: A New Frontier, debuted in the July-September issue of
StrateGems (SG47), with 12 originals. That same issue featured 7 more parry series-movers in the
Series-Movers & Stalemates column.
For simplicity, parry series-movers are denoted as: pser-*. When Popeye was upgraded [see January 2010 entry below], the form phser-* was also implemented to accommodate less-common problem types with helpful parries.
here to view the article and (19) items from SG47.
[PDF revised 16-Jan-2010, after Popeye v4.55 release]
September 2009: The Canadian series advocate Cornel Pacurar founded the Parry Series Workshop. The PSW is a private area of his general series forum, so registration is required to participate in the on-going discussions. Needless to say, the PSW has been instrumental in furthering Parry Series exploration!
here to visit the
Parry Series Workshop at
November 2009: The
Good Companions (the informal association of U.S. composers) announced two formal "quick-tourneys": section-A for Parry Series and section-B for Proofgames. The deadline for entries was Feb. 15th, 2010. Word of the
GCQCTs spread via emails, and discussion on the popular
MatPlus website.
here to see the
GCQCT announcement and discussion thread.
January 2010: While the GCQCT was still under way, Thomas Maeder upgraded the Popeye solving program for all Parry Series types -- a major breakthrough. Since composers could now test (or partially test) any type of parry series-mover, the number (and quality) of entries for the GCQCT (section-A) increased steadily. We cannot thank Thomas enough for making these coding changes on such a tight schedule!
here to visit the
Popeye download page.
February 2010: The
GCQCT deadline (2/15) passed, and the awards for both sections were quickly dispatched and publicized via
MatPlus Forum. They later appeared in Apr-Jun 2010
StrateGems (SG50).
here to view the
GCQCT awards.
May 2010: Solvers should enjoy these two just-published originals! [The second item is a help-auto-stalemate. So... white plays the series and black parries to help. White's 14th series-stalemates himself!]
here to view the solutions.
July 2010: Click
here to view
IGM Petko Petkov's excellent article on Parry Series! Read my initial comments
here. Click
here to see the related discussion on MatPlus Forums, in particular Cornel's posting of 11-Jul-2010.
16-Jul-2010: One of the "theoretical" points made in Petko's article is that an all-checks Parry Series should be classified as 'Black Must Check' or 'White Must Check', also known as "UltraSchachZwang" (USZ). I beg to differ!
The condition 'must-check' is intended to facilitate soundness (ie. eliminate cooks and/or duals), not to merely describe the play that ensues. Thus, a USZ problem that is sound without the 'must-check' requirement is improperly classified. And that means you cannot simply re-label a Parry Series as USZ.
Also, a legitimate USZ cannot be stipulated as Parry Series. That is, if the 'must-check' proviso is truly necessary, then may-check (as in Parry Series) cannot be sound. Conclusion: An all-checks Parry Series cannot be classified as "USZ". And vice versa.
25-Jul-2010: This
brief article shows that Parry Series is not as 'new' as we thought. Enjoy!
Legal Parry Series (denoted as legal-pser-*) was invented by Valery Liskovets of Belarus. LPS is like normal parry-series except that the idle-side moves when in-check and when they have no prior move! This clever twist adds a retro element to the Parry Series protocol.
CapZug (stipulated as "
(*) is a new
aim invented by yours truly.
CapZug is short for Capture-Zugzwang, and is achieved when the side on-move (1) is
not in-check, and (2) would be compelled to make a capture. For more details and examples, see the
Good Zug Tourney announcement.
(*) CapZug notation changed from
x= to
xz! See the 10-Apr-2011 post below.
here to view the solutions.
28-Oct-2010: The
WCCC-53 Bulletin contains the
Good Zug Tourney (GZT) 2010 results on page 48. Of course, there are lots of other goodies as well. :-) Some sample award-winners from the
GZT are given below:
here to view the solutions.
19-Dec-2010: A new article,
Parry Series Chronicles, can be found in
feenschach f181, available in both English and German text. Thanks to
Arno Tüngler for his excellent translation! Some sample originals from the article are given below:
here to view the solutions.
Cornel Pacurar wrote an intriguing "Vielväter"
article which appeared in
feenschach f185.
30-Jan-2011: Arno reports this interesting HPR Parry Series pair published recently:
here to view the solutions.
10-Apr-2011: The notation for
CapZug must be changed to usher in the "Zug Family" of stipulations! See the preview article
here for details. We recommend that editors and publishers use
xz (rather than
x=) to represent CapZug going-forward, for reasons stated in the article.
16-May-2011: I completed judging for the 2010 Series Tourney. Click
here to view or download the awards PDF. Both Parry Series and CapZug are represented.
04-Oct-2011: I published this
formal response to Petko's SG51 article (see July 2010 post above) in the latest
StrateGems, in light of some recent discussions re: Parry Series vs. other existing check-based conditions. I've paraphrased my thoughts on this subject (originally posted on MatPlus Forums) below:
Parry Series is a better presentation than non-series forms with XMOWIC (player-X moves only when in check) condition. Why? Because the latter discloses the fact that the last move (for one side) must be a check -- at least for help- and self-problems.
Parry Series is a better presentation than non-series forms with a must-check proviso. Why? Because the latter discloses the fact that all moves (for one side) must be checks.
It is not incumbent upon a composer to unnecessarily divulge information about a problem's intent (or content). Thus, Parry Series is the correct presentation in such cases.
November 2011: Arno's long-awaited "Zug Family" article was published in feenschach/f188!  Click
here to view it.  
Note: The wK should be on e4 in problem number
Z12 (Kirtley).
January 2012: The release of
Popeye v4.59 introduces a new
sstip protocol which affects Zug-Family problem testing.  Click
here to visit the Popeye download page.  Click
here to download the
Zugzwang Goal Sstips for Dummies cross-reference to help setup Popeye for "zug" problem tests. (updated 11-Jan-2012)
here to download
Dan Meinking's Chess Problem Collection. (
updated 09-Sep-2011!)